Special Issue "Macromolecules: Chemistry, Medicinal and Functional Materials"
[Call for Papers] [List of Keywords]
Deadline for paper submission: 30 June 2009

Editorial Office
Ms Felicity Wright, Mr. Dietrich Rordorf
Molecules/MDPI, Kandererstrasse 25, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland. Tel. +41 61 683 7734, Fax +41 61 302 8918
E-mail: molecules@mdpi.org
Ms Jely He (Beijing Editorial Office)

Managing Editor
Dr. Shu-Kun Lin
E-mail: [email protected]
Molecules/MDPI, Kandererstrasse 25, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland. Tel. +41 61 683 7734, Fax +41 61 302 8918

Editorial Advisory Board

To be added soon

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors (http://www.mdpi.org/molecules/publguid.htm) and submitted before 30 June 2009
by e-mail to [email protected] with a copy to ... and [email protected]. The subject title of the message should be
"Manuscript for Special Issue on Macromolecules Applied to Pharmaceutical Chemistry".

Published Papers:

Review papers to be published

Leading Review Papers:

Related Special Issue on Macromolecules Applied to Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2005)
Related Special Issue on Macromolecules Applied to Pharmaceutics

Webmaster: Ms Felicity Wright, E-mail: [email protected]
Last update: 24 September 2008