Special Issue "Macromolecules Applied to Pharmaceutics"
[Call for Papers] [List of Keywords]
Deadline for paper submission: 30 June 2009

Editorial Office
Ms Felicity Wright, Mr. Dietrich Rordorf, Dr. Shu-Kun Lin
Molecules/MDPI, Kandererstrasse 25, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland. Tel. +41 61 683 7734, Fax +41 61 302 8918
E-mail: molecules@mdpi.org
Ms Jely He (Beijing Editorial Office)

Guest Editor
Prof. Tommasina Coviello
Faculty of  Pharmacy, Department of Drug Chemistry and Technologies, "Sapienza" University of Rome, P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 0649913300; Fax: +39 0649913133
E-mail: [email protected]

Synthetic and natural polymers for drug/gene delivery and/or medical devices;
New aspects of macromolecule uses in the dosage form design;
Characterization of polymers used in the pharmaceutics field;
Macromolecular pro-drugs;
Delivery of macromolecular drugs;
Hydrogel delivery systems;
Micro- and Nano-technological approaches for the delivery of macromolecules;
Pharmaceutical applications of dendrimers;
Polymeric nanocarriers for drug delivery;  
Polymer-drug conjugates for drug targeting;
Stimuli-responsive polymeric systems for biomedical applications;
Polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering.


This special issue, “Macromolecules applied to Pharmaceutics” is devoted to a peculiar branch of polymer science that is rapidly growing in the last decades.
It is of interest, therefore, to publish both reviews and original research papers to illustrate the general trend in current research.
Polymers can act, in different ways, as carriers for drug delivery and as peculiar therapeutic agents to be delivered. In the past few decades macromolecules have evolved from off-the-shelf materials originally developed for applications unrelated to biomedicine to materials specifically designed for particular applications and exhibiting intended biomedical functions. The design of new polymeric devices requires the combination of knowledge among scientist from different fields such biology, medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, chemistry, physics and materials science.
In that sense I wish to thank all the authors for their cooperation and support in the preparation of the present issue.

Manuscript preparation:
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors (http://www.mdpi.org/molecules/publguid.htm) and submitted before 30 June 2009
by e-mail to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] and [email protected]. The subject title of the message should be
"Manuscript for Special Issue on Macromolecules Applied to Pharmaceutics".

Published Papers:

Review papers to be published

Leading Review Papers:

Related Special Issue on Macromolecules Applied to Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2005)
Related Special Issue on Macromolecules Applied to Pharmaceutics
Related Special Issue on Macromolecules: Chemistry, Medicinal and Functional Materials

Webmaster: Ms Felicity Wright, E-mail: [email protected]
Last update: 22 September 2008