Substrate Transport Limitation as tool to enhance enantioselectivity in the enzyme synthesis of chiral cyanohydrins |
Pieter Jan Gerrits*, Johannes Brussee and Arne van der Gen |
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Gorlaeus Laboratories,
Leiden University, P.O. Box 9502, NL-2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands |
Received: 15 August 1999 / Uploaded: 24 August 1999
Rational design of process characterized by:Objective
Experimental conditions
Figure 1. On the left the reaction scheme showing the general reaction. On the right the double-walled reaction vessel used in the here described synthesis (Copyright J.Marcus 1999)
Figure 2. Effect of co-solvent on the stability of the cyanohydrin in hexane and proposed mechanism for the interaction of alcohols with cyanohydrins1Figure 3. Proposed mechanism for the decomposition of cyanohydrins under influence of alcohols.
Figure 4. Varying the Phase Volume Ratio (PVR) and monitoring the reaction in time
Figure 5. Varying the enzyme concentration (constant substrates concentration and PVR) and monitoring the reaction rate in time below reaction rate limited enzyme concentration
Figure 6. Influence of enzyme concentration on ee and reaction rate, reaching a steady state, below reaction rate limited enzyme concentrationConclusions
Marcus, J.; Vandermeulen, G.W.M.; Brussee, J.; van der Gen, A. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 1999, 10, 1617-1622.More information about this subject and other projects of our group can be found on our
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