Third International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-3),, September 1-30, 1999


Exploiting Poly(ethylene glycol) as a Matrixfor Liquid-Phase Organic Synthesis

Frank Sieber, Paul Wentworth Jr.* and Kim D. Janda*

Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute and The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology
10550 N. Torrey Pines Rd., La Jolla, CA 92037, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected]

Received: 11 August 1999 / Uploaded: 12 August 1999

For many years solid polymers have been dominant both in parallel syntheses and as supports for organic reagents.1,2 However, there are a number of major concerns associated with the use of insoluble polymeric derivates under heterogeneous conditions such as lowered reactivities, side-side interactions, extended reaction times and diffision-limited reactivity. The use of soluble matrices3 such as poly(ethylene glycol)4 circumvents these problems while also allowing for routine monitoring of the reaction progress. Additionally, the basis for developing soluble polymer-supported chemistry is quite excellent since known solution-phase reaction conditions are preserved.5,6 Our efforts in this field have included the development of soluble polymer-supported combinatorial libraries,7 catalysts,8 reagents,9-11 linker strategies12,13 and synthetic methodology.14,15 This report details the development and application of a poly(ethylene glycol) bound triarylphosphine reagent and the optimization of a liquid-phase Stille cross-coupling reaction with subsequent generation of a small library of biaryl, heterobiaryl and styryl derivatives in high yields and purity.

1. Development and Application of a Poly(ethylene glycol)-Supported Triarylphosphine Reagent
1.1. Synthesis of Liquid-Phase Phosphine Reagent 2
1.2. Liquid-Phase Ozonide Reduction
1.3. Liquid-Phase Wittig Reactions in aqua
1.4. Regeneration of Spent Reagent 9
2. Poly(ethylene glycol) as a Soluble Polymer Matrix for the Stille Cross Coupling Reaction

1. Development and Application of a Poly(ethylene glycol)-Supported Triarylphosphine Reagent

Our group recently communicated an extension o f PEG-supported chemistry into the field of functionalized polymers as reagent supports.16-18 We prepared a novel triarylphosphine derivative of PEG (1) and showed that, when compared to a heterogeneous commercially available counterpart, it possesses favorable reaction kinetics in both the Staudinger and Mitsunobu etherification reactions. The present study expands on those preliminary investigations.

1.1. Synthesis of Liquid-Phase Phosphine Reagent 2. A concern with the original reagent 1 was the carbamate ester moiety incorporated as a linker between the triarylphosphine and the PEG support. The known base and acid sensitivity of the urethane linkage, coupled with worries about its lability in the presence of Lewis acids and metallating reagents, linked any further exploitation of PEG-supported triarylphosphines to an immediate replacement of this carbamate ester group. An aryl-alkyl ether moiety was chosen as the replacement linker, the chemical stability of which is comparable to that of the poly(ethylene oxide) backbone, therefore reagent 2 became the functionalized polymer of choice.19

Figure 1.

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The synthetic strategy towards 2 involves an initial concise preparation of the key hydroxyphosphine 3,20 followed by its attachment to PEG via the dimesylate 4.21 p-Bromophenol 5 was protected as the TBDMS ether 6, that was then phosphinylated under standard conditions20 to give the triarylphosphine 7. The silyl ether was removed and the resultant hydroxyphosphine 3 was obtained in 87 % yield for the three steps. Mesylate 4 was obtained by heating (50 oC) a neat solution of PEG3400 8 in methanesulfonyl chloride. No base was required under these conditions, which had the benefit that the purification of 6 was simplified from its original preparation.21 Etherification between 4 and 3 was performed in rigorously degassed DMF. Phosphine 2 was then isolated by addition of the reaction mixture into degassed diethyl ether, followed by filtration and sequential washing of the polymeric precipitate with i-Pr alcohol (to remove salts) followed by diethyl ether to give reagent 2 in 92 % yield, based on the weight of polymer isolated.

Scheme 1.

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The oxidation state of the phosphine termini of 2 was routinely quantified by 31P NMR after certain periods of storage. This revealed that even after prolonged exposure to air (2-3 weeks) little oxidation to the phosphine oxide (< 5 %) occurs.The derivatization level of the polymer is also determined by inspection of the 1H NMR of 2. The chemical shift of a-methylene protons of PEG and its derivatives is a function of the moiety attached to the termini hydroxyl groups. For underivatized PEG 3400, the chemical shift of these a-protons is d 3.8 ppm, for PEG-mesylate 4, this changes to d 4.35 ppm (also detectable are the b-methylene protons d 3.74 ppm) and for the phosphine terminated polymer 2 this changes to d 4.16 ppm ( b-methylene protons d 3.64 ppm). Inspection of the 1H NMR of 2 shows that no mesylate 4 remains. Therefore there is high confidence that the polymeric phosphine 2 is quantitatively substituted with terminal triarylphosphine residues ( ca. 0.5 mmol g -1).

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Figure 2. A) 1H and 31P NMR spectra of PEG-supported triarylphosphine 2.
B) 1H and 31P NMR spectra of PEG-supported triarylphosphine oxide 9.

The ease of NMR-characterization of soluble polymer reagent 2 offers a considerable advantage over its solid-phase homologue which, in order to determine the oxidation state of the phosphine center, must involve either gel- or solid-phase NMR, or single-bead FTIR techniques.23

1.2. Liquid-Phase Ozonide Reduction. As an entry level into the utility of 2 in organic chemistry, the mild chemical decomposition of ozonides was selected. Ozonolysis of alkenes has a broad scope of application in organic chemistry, and the range of methods for destruction of the intermediary ozonides is equally broad. However, the two major methods of choice: Zn/acetic acid or dimethyl sulfide have limitations, a result of potential chemical substituent sensitivity in the former case, or noxious reagents and high-boiling point byproducts in the latter. For these reasons PPh3 is an excellent alternative.24 It has received only limited use in solution-phase chemistry however, because of the problems of removing both the excess PPh3 and reaction byproduct, triphenylphosphine oxide, from the reaction mixture. The use of polystyrene-supported PPh3 as a stoichiometric reagent for this reaction has been reported as an alternative and gives good to excellent yields of aldehydes.25 Therefore an important part of this study was a direct comparison between this new liquid-phase approach with 2, and a solid-phase approach with commercially available PPh3.A range of alkenes 10a-e were treated with ozone. The incipient ozonides were then decomposed into the product aldehydes ( 11a-e) by addition of one of three reagents: PPh3, polystyrene-supported PPh3, or PEG-supported PPh3 ( 2). The results are shown below (Table 1).

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The isolated yields of all library members were good to excellent (69 - 99 %) showing that under our pre-optimized conditions vide supra, that the scope of the PEG-supported variant of the Stille reaction is quite broad. Following passage down a short pad of silica gel, the library members ( 18a-b, 28a-b to 34a-b ) were each isolated in > 95 % purity.In each case (Table 5, entries 1-8) the yield of the ortho-isomer was lower than its corresponding para-congener. We rationalize that this phenomenon may be a result, at least in part, of the steric effect imparted by the PEG-backbone polymer chain during ligand transfer. However this effect followed no definitive trend related to the size of the moiety being transferred. suggests that the process involved may be more complex than simple steric retardation. While, in this report, no attempt has been made to re-optimize the reaction conditions to improve the yield of the ortho-isomers, it is speculated that future studies directed to resolve this issue would involve simply increasing the number of equivalents of the stannane and/or palladium catalyst, whilst perhaps using more dilute reaction conditions.

Acknowledgments. Financial support for this work was supplied by the NIH (GM 56154, KDJ) and The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology (KDJ).

References and Notes
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