3rd Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-3) http://www.mdpi.org/ecsoc-3.htm 1-30 September 1999 Sponsor: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), Basel, Switzerland Main Cosponsors: European Chemical Society and Novartis Pharma AG Conference Chairman and Contact Address: Dr. Esteban Pombo-Villar, Novartis Pharma Ltd., 4002 Basel, Switzerland phone +41 61324 9865, fax +41 61 324 9794, e-mail: esteban.pombo@pharma.novartis.com International Scientific Advisory Committee Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman (Pakistan ), Dr. Margaret A. Brimble (Australia), Prof. Dr. Luis Castedo (Spain), Professor Yao-Zhong Jiang (China), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jordis (Austria), Dr. C. Oliver Kappe (Austria), Prof. Dr. Steven V. Ley, FRS (UK), Prof. Dr. Alan P. Kozikowski (USA), Prof. Dr. Istvan E. Marko (Belgium), Dr. Pedro Merino (Spain), Prof. Dr. Koji Nakanishi (USA), Dr. Oleg A. Rakitin (Russia), Prof. Dr. Herbert Waldmann (Germany), Prof. Dr. Camille G. Wermuth (France) Organising Committee Dr. Esteban Pombo-Villar (Chairman), Prof. Dr. Reinhard Neier (Vice Chairman), Dr. Shu-Kun Lin (Conference Secretary), Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary (Section Convener), Dr. Eduard Felder (Section Convener), Dr. Thomas Wirth (Section Convener), Prof. Dr. Michael B. Smith (American Co-ordinator) Dr. Igor V Svitanko (Russian Co-ordinator), Dr. Zhan G. Zhao (Mailing List Co-ordinator), Dr. Heinz Christen (Technical Support). Section Topics A. General Organic Synthesis: Target-oriented synthesis, metal-mediated synthesis, stereoselective synthesis. B. Combinatorial Synthesis, Parallel Synthesis and Automation C. Medicinal and Bioorganic Application of Organic Synthesis. Special Topic: Discussion on the Future of medicinal chemistry D. Natural Product Isolation, Modification and Total Synthesis. E. Information and Compound Archives Management and Internet Application. Presentation and Publication All the accepted papers will be posted as websites during 1-30 September 1999. The ECSOC-3 Proceedings will be published in two editions (online and CD-ROM book, ISBN 3-906980-04-9). Posters presented at ECSOC-3 will be preliminary communications of research results and review papers and may be published in another form in a chemistry journal. Authors are invited to publish their papers in the journal Molecules (http://www.mdpi.org/molecules) after peer-reviewing. However, they may publish their papers in any other journals. Registration and Mailing List There is no registration fee for the conference. To register, and to subscribe to the ECSOC mailing list, send by e-mail a one-line message: subscribe ecsoc first name last name to: listserv@listserv.arizona.edu Paper Submission Papers (research notes or full papers with adequate experimental details, or reviews) for consideration and presentation as posters should be sent by e-mail, fax or surface mail directly to the appropriate section convener listed on the website or to the conference chairman before 1 August 1999. Sample posters in HTML format can be found at the http://www.mdpi.org/ecsoc-3.htm website. For further information, visit http://www.mdpi.org/ecsoc-3.htm website or contact the Conference Chairman or the Conference Secretary by e-mail ecsoc-3@mdpi.org