Entropy 2004, 6[3], 262-292
ISSN 1099-4300

Entropy Production and Irreversible Processes -from the perspective of continuous topological evolution.

Robert M. Kiehn

Physics Department, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77004 USA.

Received: 19 November 2003 / Accepted: 4 May 2004 / Published: 17 May 2004

Abstract: A concept of entropy production associated with continuous topological evolution is deduced (without statistics) from the fact that Cartan-Hilbert 1-form of Action defines a non-equilibrium symplectic system of Pfaff Topological dimension 2n+2. The differential entropy, dS, is composed of the interior product of the non-canonical components of momentum with the components of the differential velocities. An irreversible process can describe entropy production in terms of continuous topological evolution to non-equilibrium but stationary states. An equilibrium system can be defined topologically as a Lagrange submanifold of the 2n+2 topological space, upon which the change in entropy by continuous topological evolution is zero, dSequil=0.

Keywords: Entropy production; Irreversible processes; Pfaff topological dimension; Cartan's Magic formula; Decay to stationary states far from equilibrium.

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