Instructions for Authors

Natural Science  ( ISSN 1424-2796) maintains a rigorous peer-review system. There are no publication charges and no subscription charge for online edition. Accepted papers will be published within one week. Because it is a nonprofit academic journal, and all the editors take their time to work on this journal without any payment, authors are kindly asked to prepare and submit manuscripts according the following instructions.

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscript Preparation Referees
The author should suggest at least three referees with the appropriate technical expertise, although the Editor will not necessarily approach them. Their addresses, homepage addresses, phone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses should be provided as fully as possible.

Reprints may be ordered. Contact the managing editor for more details.

Supplementary Material Deposit

Samples Deposit and Exchange
Authors are encouraged to register or submit samples of the relevant compounds to MDPI in Switzerland for deposit and distribution at a reasonable price. Include in the last paragraph in the "References and Notes" the Sample Availability information. For details, visit: You may contact the managing editor:
Natural Science  ( ISSN 1424-2796)
Last change: 5 January 2000, Webmaster: [email protected]