Pharmaceutics Editors and Editorial Board

Virtual Editorial Center
Dr. Shu-Kun Lin
MDPI, Matthaeusstrasse 11, CH 4057 Basel Switzerland
Tel. +41 683 7734, Mobile +41 79 322 3379, Fax +41 61 302 8918 , Skype mdpibasel-lin
E-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Editor
Mr. Dietrich Rordorf
Pharmaceutics Editorial Office
MDPI Center, Matthaeusstrasse 11, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland
Tel. +41 61 683 7734, Fax +41 61 302 8918
E-mail: [email protected]

Production Editor (English corrections)
Dr. Derek J. McPhee
E-mail: [email protected]

Editorial Board

(The full editorial board will be announced soon.)

Prof. Tommasina Coviello
Faculty of  Pharmacy, Department of Drug Chemistry and Technologies, "Sapienza" University of Rome, P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 0649913300; Fax: +39 0649913133 
E-mail: [email protected]
Keywords: polysaccharides, hydrogel, drug delivery, rheology, mechanical characterization
Guest Editor of special issue "Macromolecules Applied to Pharmaceutics"

Dr. Svend Borup Jensen
Fertin Pharma A/S, Dandyvej 19, 7120 Vejle, Denmark
Tel.: +45 7215 1820; Fax: + 45 7215 1421
E-mail: [email protected]
Keywords: Drug in-vitro degradation profiles, medicinal gum, Analytical methods, medicinal chemistry, PET-radiochemistry

Pharmaceutics (ISSN xxxx-xxxx)
Last change: 18 September 2008

� 2008 by MDPI, Basel, Switzerland