Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300, CODEN: ENTRFG) since 1999

Special Issue  "Quantum Spaces: Where Locality Is not Necessary, Causality Might not Be, but Entropy Certainly Is"

[Editors] [Call for Papers] [Keywords] [Submission Instructions] [Published Papers] [Planned Papers]

Special Issue Editors

Guest Editor: Dr. Paola Zizzi
Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Universita' degli Studi di Padova, Italy. Link www.math.unipd.it

Editorial Assistant: Mr. Dietrich Rordorf
MDPI Editorial Office, Matthaeusstrasse 11, 4057 Basel, Switzerland. E-Mail: [email protected]

Call for Papers

A Call for Papers for this special issue is available here.


Papers should be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] (add "Manuscript Submission for Quantum Spaces" as the message title), and a copy to [email protected]. Both, full research papers and review articles are invited. For planned review articles, a title and short abstract (100 words) can be sent to the Editors for announcment on this website.

Deadline for paper submission: 30 April 2008

Published Papers

Open Access
Andrei Khrennikov
International Center for Mathematical Modeling in Physics, Engineering and Cognitive Science, Växjö University, S-35195, Sweden; E-mail: [email protected]
Received: 10 September 2007; in revised form: 7 March 2008 / Accepted: 7 March 2008 / Published: 29 March 2008
Full Paper: Bell-Boole Inequality: Nonlocality or Probabilistic Incompatibility of Random Variables?
Entropy 2008, 10, 19-32 (PDF format 187 K)
DOI: 10.3390/entropy-e10020019

Planned and Submitted Papers

Manuscript-ID: Entropy-11-03
Authors: Y. Jack Ng
Title: Spacetime foam: from entropy and holography to infinite statistics and nonlocality
Abstract: Due to quantum fluctuations, spacetime is foamy on small scales.  The degree of foaminess is found to be consistent with holography, a principle prefigured in the physics of black hole entropy.  It has bearing on the ultimate accuracies of clocks and measurements and the physics of quantum computation.  Applied to cosmology, the holographic model of spacetime foam requires the existence of dark energy which, we argue, is composed of an enormous number of inert "particles" of extremely long wavelength.  We suggest that these "particles" obey infinite statistics in which all representations of the particle permutation group can occur, and that the nonlocality present in systems obeying infinite statistics may be related to the nonlocality present in holographic theories.  We propose to detect spacetime foam by looking for halos in the images of distant quasars, and argue that it does not modify the GZK cutoff in the ultra-high energy cosmic ray spectrum and its contributions to time-of-flight differences of high energy gamma rays from distant GRB are too small to be detectable.
Jonathan J. Dickau
Type: Review
Title: Does the Non-Locality of Quantum Phenomena Guarantee the Emergence of Entropy?
Abstract: download abstract
Authors: Arundhati Dasgupta
Type: Full Research Paper
Title: Entropy of Apparent Horizons
Abstract: I shall describe a derivation of entropy of apparent horizons using coherent states in loop quantum gravity.

Last change: 17 June 2008. Webmaster: [email protected]