New: Normally chemists who publish their available compounds structures in the MDPI databases should have at least one unit amount deposited as specimen. Now, you may publish here these structures without the specimen deposit if you ensure the availability of the enlisted compounds.
You may supply the structures and save the structures as mol files with your own ID code for the compound as the mol file name. All chemical structure drawing software can export the structure file as mol file or save as mol file.
structure (within an area of 5 x 4 cm. The use of ISIS/Draw is recommended. Download the latest version of ISIS/Draw for free. Drawing by hand is also acceptable.)
the name of the compound, if available
formula (e.g. C19H21NO5S2)
molecular weight (e.g. 234.50)
melting point (e.g., 123, 123.5-125, etc.. For liquid sample, enter oil, etc.)
total amount submitted (e.g. 0.205g)
unit amount/unit price (e.g. 250mg/70USD)
CAS Reg. No., if available
name (the compound series number used in the publication)
the publication citation where the preparation of this compound is described (e.g., Molecules, 1996, 1, 234)
your own ID code for the compound
NMR data
A db file can be downloaded here. After download, change the file name to sample.db and use ISIS/Base for Windows to open it.