Vol. 7, 2007 | Vol. 6, 2006 | Vol. 5, 2005 | Vol. 4, 2004 | Vol. 3, 2003 | Vol. 2, 2002 | Vol. 1, 2001 |
Issue 1 (January 2002) pages 1-40
Michael J. Schöning1,2*, Anette Simonis1,2,
Christian Ruge2, Holger Ecken2, Mattea
Müller-Veggian1 and Hans Lüth2
1University of Applied Sciences Aachen, Ginsterweg 1,
52428 Jülich, Germany
2Institute of Thin Films and Interfaces, Research Centre
Jülich GmbH, 52425 Jülich, Germany
*E-mail: [email protected]
(bio-)chemical Field-effect Sensor with Macroporous Si as Substrate
Material and a SiO2 / LPCVD-Si3N4 Double Layer as pH Transducer
Sensors 2002, 2, 11-22 (PDF format, 1127 K)
Clifford K. Ho* and Robert C. Hughes
Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
Tel: (505) 844-2384, Fax: (505) 844-7354. *E-mail:
[email protected]
Chemiresistor Sensor Package for Real-Time Detection of Volatile
Organic Compounds in Soil and Groundwater
Sensors 2002, 2, 23-34 (PDF format, 1027 K)
Ping Li1*, Yan Huang1, Junze Hu1,
Chunwei Yuan1 and Baoping Lin2
1National Laboratory of Molecular & Biomolecular
Electronics Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, P. R. China.
Tel, (86)-025-3794310, Fax, (86)-025-3619983
2Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, P. R. China
*E-mail:[email protected]
Plasmon Resonance Studies on Molecular Imprinting
Sensors 2002, 2, 35-40 (PDF format, 92 K)
Shengfu Wang* and Dan Du
College of Chemistry and Material Science, Hubei University, 430062,
Wuhan, People's Republic of China
*E -mail: [email protected]
on the Electrochemical Behavior of Hydroquinone at L-cysteine
Self-Assembled Monolayers Modified Gold Electrode
Sensors 2002, 2, 41-49 (PDF format, 417 K)
K.Arshak 1,*, K. Twomey and D. Egan
Microelectronics and Semiconductor Research Group, ECE Department,
National Technological Park, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 353-61-2027-00;fax:+353-61-3303-16.
E-mail: [email protected]
Ceramic Thick Film Humidity Sensor Based on MnZn Ferrite
Sensors 2002, 2, 50-61 (PDF format, 322 K)
Stepan A. Zynio 1, Anton V. Samoylov 1,
Elena R. Surovtseva 1, Vladimir M. Mirsky 2,* and
Yuri M. Shirshov 1
1Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NASU, Prospect Nauki
45, 252650, Kiev-28, Ukraine
2University of Regensburg, Institute of Analytical
Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, 93040 Regensburg, Germany
*E-mail: [email protected]
Layers Increase Sensitivity of Affinity Sensors Based on
Surface Plasmon Resonance
Sensors 2002, 2, 62-70 (PDF format, 140 K)
Zheng Jiao*,1, Gang Ye 1, Feng Chen 2,
Mingqiang Li 1and Jinhuai Liu 1
1Hefei Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy
of Science, Hefei 230031, P.R. China
2Department of Automation, University of Science and
Technology of China, Hefei 230026, P.R. China
*E-mail: [email protected]
Preparation of ZnGa2O4 Nano Crystals by Spray Coprecipitation and Its
Gas Sensitive Characteristics
Sensors 2002, 2, 71-78 (PDF format, 1211 K)
Michael V. Pishko 1,*, Alexander Revzin 2and
Aleksandr L. Simonian 2
1Department of Chemical Engineering, The Pennsylvania
State University, 104 Fenske Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802-4400, USA
2Texas A&M University, Department of Chemical
Engineering, College Station, TX 77843-3122, USA
*E-mail: [email protected], Phone: 814-863-4810, Fax:
Invited paper: Mass
in Amperometric Biosensors Based on Nanocomposite Thin Films of Redox
Polymers and Oxidoreductases
Sensors 2002, 2, 79-90 (PDF format, 202 K)
Elizabeth C. Dickey 1,*, Oomman K. Varghese 1,
Keat G. Ong 2, Dawei Gong 2, Maggie Paulose 2
and Craig A. Grimes 2
1Department of Materials Science & Engineering, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
2Department of Electrical Engineering & Materials
Research Institute
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
*Email: [email protected]
Invited paper: Room
Temperature Ammonia and Humidity Sensing Using Highly Ordered
Nanoporous Alumina Films
Sensors 2002, 2, 91-110 (PDF format, 2264 K)
Lara Leoni 1, Darlene Attiah 1 and Tejal
A. Desai 1,2,*
1Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois at
Chicago, USA
2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University,
44 Cummington Street, Boston, MA 02215, USA
Tel: (617) 358-3054. Fax: (617) 353-6766
*Email: [email protected]
Invited paper: Nanoporous
Platforms for Cellular Sensing and Delivery
Sensors 2002, 2, 111-120 (PDF format, 3818 K)
C. Baratto 1*, G. Faglia 1, G.
Sberveglieri 1, Z. Gaburro 2, L. Pancheri 2,
C. Oton 2 and L. Pavesi 2
1Department of Chemistry and Physics, University of
Brescia, Via Valotti 9 25133 Brescia, Italy
2Department of Physics and INFM, University of Trento, via
Sommarive 14, I-38050 Povo (Tn) Italy
Tel. +39-030-3715706, Fax +39- 030-2091271, *E-mail:
[email protected]
Invited paper: Multiparametric
Porous Silicon Sensors
Sensors 2002, 2, 121-126 (PDF format, 120 K)
Jianzhong Zhu 1*, Ziqiang Zhu 1,
Zongsheng Lai 1, Rong Wang 2, Xiaoming Guo 2,
Xiaqin Wu 2, Guoxiong Zhang 2, Zongrang Zhang
2, Yiting Wang 3 and Zongyou Chen 4
1IT college, East China Normal University, Shanghai
200062, China
2Shanghai Teachers University, Shanghai 2000234
3Shanghai Institute for Medicine Control, Shanghai 200233
4Department of Surgery, Huashan Hospital, Fudan
University, Shanghai 200040
*E-mail: [email protected]
Amperometric Glucose Sensor Based on Glucose Oxidase Immobilized by
Chitosan Film on Prussian Blue Layer
Sensors 2002, 2, 127-136 (PDF format, 118 K)
Raheam Al-Saphory
Systems Theory Laboratory (LTS), University of Perpignan 52, Avenue de
66860 Perpignan Cedex, France
E-mail: [email protected] ,Tel: 0033468661763, Fax: 0033468661760
Regional Boundary Observer in Distributed Parameter Systems via Sensors
Sensors 2002, 2, 137-152 (PDF format, 184 K)
Milan M. Antonijevic 1*, Randjel P. Mihajlovic 2
and Branislav V. Vukanovic 1
1University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty Bor, P.O.Box
50, 19210 Bor, Serbia, Yugoslavia
2University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science, Department
of Chemistry, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia, Yugoslavia
*E-mail: [email protected] ; Tel: +381 30 24 555,
Fax: +381 30 21 078
Monocrystalline Pyrite as Sensors for Potentiometric Redox
Titrations.Part I. Titrations with Permanganate
Sensors 2002, 2, 153-163 (PDF format, 116 K)
Vinod K. Gupta*, S. Chandra, D.K. Chauhan and R.
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
(formerly University of Roorkee)
Roorkee- 247667 INDIA
*E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +91-1332-85801(work);
Fax: +91-1332-73560
of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-methoxyphenyl)porphyrin-atocobalt
(TMOPP-Co) (I) as MoO42- -selective Sensors
Sensors 2002, 2, 164-173 (PDF format, 158 K)
A. Arshak, S. Zleetni and K. Arshak*
Department Electronics and Computer Engineering, University of
Limerick, Plassey Technological Park, Limerick, Co. Limerick, Ireland
Tel. +353-61-202267, Fax +353-61-338176, *E-mail:
[email protected]
Sensor Using Optical and Electrical Properties of Manganese
Phthalocyanine (MnPc) Thick Film
Sensors 2002, 2, 174-184 (PDF format, 181 K)
S. Radhakrishnan* and S.D.Deshpande
Polymer Science & Engineering, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune-
411008, India
*E-mail: [email protected]
Polymers Functionalized with Phthalocyanine as Nitrogen
Dioxide Sensors
Sensors 2002, 2, 185-194 (PDF format, 1620 K)
K. Cherif 1, S. Hleli 1, A.Abdelghani
1,*, N.Jaffrezic-Renault 2 and V. Matejec 3
1Unité de Recherche de Physique des
Semiconducteurs, IPEST, La Marsa, 2070 Tunis, Tunisia
*Corresponding author : Tel : 00216 71 74 0048 , Fax : 00216 71 74 65
51, E-mail: [email protected]
2IFOS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
69131 Ecully, France
3Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Chaberska 57, 182 51 Prague 8, Czech
Detection in Liquid Media with a Refractometric Sensor Based
on a Multimode Optical Fibre
Sensors 2002, 2, 195-204 (PDF format, 114 K)
K.Arshak* and K. Twomey
Microelectronics and Semiconductor Research Group, ECE Department,
National Technological Park, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
*Corresponding Author. Tel.:+353-61-2027-00;fax:
+353-61-3303-16, Email Address: [email protected]
films of In2O3/SiO for Humidity Sensing Applications
Sensors 2002, 2, 205-218 (PDF format, 450 K)
Keat Ghee Ong1, J. Samuel Bitler2, Craig
A. Grimes1,*, Libby G. Puckett3 and Leonidas G.
1Department of Electrical Engineering & Materials
Research Institute
217 Materials Research Lab, The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802, USA
2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Merrimack College, North Andover, MA. 01845
3Department of Chemistry, The University of Kentucky,
Lexington, KY 40506, USA
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
E-mail: [email protected]
Query Resonant-Circuit Sensors for Monitoring of Bacteria Growth:
Application to Food Quality Control
Sensors 2002, 2, 219-232 (PDF format, 364 K)
Vinod Kumar Gupta1,*, Milan M. Antonijevic2
, Sudeshna Chandra1 and Shiva Agarwal1
1Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee (formerly University of Roorkee), Roorkee- 247667, India
2Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,
Technical Faculty Bor, University of Belgrade, P.O.Box 50, 19210 Bor,
Serbia, Yugoslavia
*E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +91-1332-85801(work);
Fax: +91-1332-73560
Based Silver Selective Electrodes
Sensors 2002, 2, 233-243 (PDF format, 620 K)
Junwei Zhou and Andrew Mason*
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State
University, 2120 Engineering Building, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
*E-mail: [email protected], http://www.egr.msu.edu/amsac/
Invited paper:
Buses and Protocols for Sensor Networks
Sensors 2002, 2, 244-257 (PDF format, 1500 K)
Soheil Ghiasi*, Ankur Srivastava, Xiaojian Yang, and
Majid Sarrafzadeh
Computer Science Department,University of California at Los Angeles, USA
Email: soheil,apple,xjyang,[email protected]
Invited paper: Optimal
Energy Aware Clustering in Sensor Networks
Sensors 2002, 2, 258-269 (PDF format, 107 K)
Kevin A. Delin
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Invited paper: The Sensor
Web: A Macro-Instrument for Coordinated Sensing
Sensors 2002, 2, 270-285 (PDF format, 2500 K)
Hairong Qi*, Phani Teja Kuruganti and Yingyue Xu
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA
*Email: [email protected]
Invited paper: The
Development of Localized Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks
Sensors 2002, 2, 286-293 (PDF format, 62 K)
Craig A. Grimes 1*, Casey S. Mungle 1,
Kefeng Zeng 1, Mahaveer K. Jain 1, William R.
Dreschel 2, Maggie Paulose 2 and Keat G. Ong
1Department of Electrical Engineering & Materials
Research Institute, 217 Materials Research Lab, The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA 16802 USA
2SenTech Corporation, 200 Innovation Boulevard, Suite 236,
State College, PA 16803. USA
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:
[email protected]
Invited paper: Wireless
Magnetoelastic Resonance Sensors: A Critical Review
Sensors 2002, 2, 294-313 (PDF format, 895 K)
Michael E. G. Lyons
Physical Electrochemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Nasr
Institute of Advanced Materials Science, University of Dublin, Trinity
College, Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: 353-1-608 2051. Fax: 353-1-671 2826. E-mail: [email protected]
Electron Transfer at Redox Active Monolayers . Part 2 : analysis of the
chronoamperometric response to a potential step perturbation.
Sensors 2002, 2, 314-330 (PDF format, 183 K)
Rhong Zhang 1, M. I. Tejedor 1, Marc A.
Anderson 1*, Maggie Paulose 2 and Craig A. Grimes
1Environmental Chemistry & Technology Program,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
2Department of Electrical Engineering & Materials
Research Institute, 217 Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania
State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
*E-mail: [email protected]
Detection Using Nanoporous PtTiO2 Coatings Applied to Magnetoelastic
Thick Films
Sensors 2002, 2, 331-338 (PDF format, 623 K)
Lee Yook Heng*, Loh Han Chern and Musa Ahmad
School of Chemical Sciences & Food Technology, Faculty of Science
and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
*E-mail: [email protected]
Hydrogen Ion-Selective Sensor Based on Non-Plasticised
Methacrylic-acrylic Membranes
Sensors 2002, 2, 339-346 (PDF format, 70 K)
Khalil Arshak* and Olga Korostynska
Electronic & Computer Engineering Deptartment, University of
Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
*E-mail: [email protected]
Radiation Dosimetry Using Tellurium Dioxide Thin Film Structures
Sensors 2002, 2, 347-355 (PDF format, 95 K)
Joachim P. Kloock 1,2, Yulia G. Mourzina 1,3,
Jürgen Schubert 1 and Michael J. Schöning
1Department of Applied Physics, University of Applied
Sciences Aachen, Ginsterweg 1, 52428 Jülich, Germany
2Institute for Thin Films and Interfaces, Research Centre
Jülich GmbH, 52425 Jülich, Germany
3Department of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University,
Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia
*Corresponding author: Tel.: +49/2461/612973; Fax: +49/2461/612940
E-mail: [email protected]
A First
Step Towards a Microfabricated Thin-film Sensor Array on the Basis of
Chalcogenide Glass Materials
Sensors 2002, 2, 356-365 (PDF format, 1600 K)
Zheng Jiao 1*, Feng Chen 2, Run Su 3,
Xingjiu Huang 3, Wei Liu 3 and Jinhuai Liu 3
1Shanghai Applied Radiation Institute, Shanghai
University, Shanghai 201800, P.R. China
2Department of Automation, University of Science and
Technology of China, Hefei 230026, P.R. China
3Hefei Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy
of Science, Hefei 230031, P.R. China
*E-mail: [email protected]
On The Characteristics of Ag Doped CuO-BaTiO3 CO2 Sensors
Sensors 2002, 2, 366-373 (PDF format, 80 K)
Mohammed Mabrook* and Peter Hawkins#
School of Engineering and Centre for Molecular and Nanoscale
Electronics, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
#Present address: Faculty of Applied Sciences, University
of the West of England, Frenchay, Bristol BS16 1QY, UK
*E-mail: [email protected], Telephone:
+44(0)1913743825 Fax: +44(0)1913747492
Sensing Using Thin Films of Titanium Dioxide Operating at Room
Sensors 2002, 2, 374-382 (PDF format, 140 K)
Milan M. Antonijevic
Editorial: Ion
Sensors 2002, 2, 383 ( HTML format )
Vinod K. Gupta*, Rajendra Prasad and Azad Kumar
Department of Chemistry,Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee,
Roorkee -247667, India
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]
Tel: 91-1332-85801(O), 85043 (R); Fax: 91-1332-3560
as Ionophore in PVC-matrix for Ni2+-Selective Sensor
Sensors 2002, 2, 384-396 (PDF format, 663 K)
Rainer Ludwig* and Nguyen Thi Kim Dzung
Institute of Chemistry/Inorg. and Analyt. Chem., Freie Universität
Berlin, Fabeckstr. 34-36,14195 Berlin, Germany
*E-mail: [email protected], Tel. (30) 838
52458, Fax (30) 838 52424
Review: Calixarene-Based
Molecules for Cation Recognition
Sensors 2002, 2, 397-416 (PDF format, 260 K)
R. K. Mahajan, Inderpreet Kaur, V. Sharma and M. Kumar
Department of chemistry, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar 143005,
E-mail: [email protected] , Fax:+91-183-258820
for Silver(I) ion Based on Schiff-base-p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene
Sensors 2002, 2, 417-423 (PDF format, 140 K)
Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein 1*, Xian Xiang Sun 2
and Cheng Jun Sun 3
1Pharmaceutical Analysis Laboratory Biological and Medical
Research Department, MBC-03-65, King Faisal Specialist Hospital &
Research Center, P.O. Box 3354, Riyadh 11211, Saudi Arabia
2Department of Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu Institute of
Petrochemical Technology, Changzhou 213016, Peoples Republic of China
3P.O. Box 1048, Beijing 102205, Peoples Republic of China
selective PVC membrane electrode for the determination of methacycline
hydrochloride in pharmaceutical formulation
Sensors 2002, 2, 424-431 (PDF format, 87 K)
Gary D. Christian
Department of Chemistry, Box 351700, University of Washington, Seattle,
WA 98195-1700, USA
for Lithium Electrodes and Sensors for Blood Serum Analysis
Sensors 2002, 2, 432-435 (PDF format, 39 K)
Reyad A. Shawabkeh 1,* and Maha F. Tutunji 2
1Department of Chemical Engineering Mutah University
AL-Karak, Jordan
2Department of Chemistry-University of Jordan Director of
Pharmaceutical Research unit-Royal Scientific Society Amman, Jordan
Phone: (962) 6 461-7860 Ext. 3277 *E-mail:
[email protected]
modelling of the Electrode Process of Azithromycin using Cyclic
Voltammetry at Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode
Sensors 2002, 2, 436-446 (PDF format, 280 K)
Chen Guo-ping 1*, Xia Rong-min 1, Gong
Jun 2 and Shou Wen-de 1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, Shanghai 200030, China
2Department of Digestion, Second Hospital of Xi'an
Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710004, China
Tel.86-21-62932830, Fax 86-21-52540266,*Email:
[email protected]
on pH Effect in Process of an Entero-gastric Fiber-optic Sensor Design
Sensors 2002, 2, 447-454 (PDF format, 555 K)
Xiping Yang 1, Keat G. Ong 2, William R.
Dreschel 2, Kefeng Zeng 3, Casey S. Mungle 3
and Craig A. Grimes 3*
1Department of Electrical Engineering and Materials
Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
PA 16802 USA
2SenTech Corporation, 200 Innovation Boulevard Suite 236,
State College, PA 16803 USA
3Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Materials Research
Institute, The PennState University, 217 Materials Research Lab,
University Park, PA 16802 USA
*Email: [email protected]
of a Wireless Sensor Network for Long-term, In-Situ Monitoring of an
Aqueous Environment
Sensors 2002, 2, 455-472 (PDF format, 1450 K)
Michael E.G. Lyons
Physical Electrochemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Nasr
Institute of Advanced Materials Science, University of Dublin, Trinity
College, Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: 353-1-608 2051. Fax: 353-1- 671 2826. E-mail : [email protected]
Electron Transfer at Redox Active Monolayers. Part 3: Bimolecular
outer-sphere, first order Koutecky-Levich and adduct formation
Sensors 2002, 2, 473-506 (PDF format, 570 K)