Sensors Journal - Special Issues 2007/2008 and Published 2006 and 2005

Papers should be submitted directly via e-mail to [email protected] with copy to the Guest Editor of a special issue. Instructions for authors should be followed

More "Special Issues" 2008 to be announced soon. Topics and suggestions are welcomed.
If you are interested please contact us: [email protected]

Special Issue:  Nanotechnological Advances in Biosensors

Special Issue:  Archaeological Remote Sensing

Special Issue 2: Phytosensors: Environmental Sensing with Plants and Plant Cells
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. C. Neal Stewart, Jr.
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996 USA
Tel. +1 865 974 6487,  Fax 1 865 946 1989
E-mail: [email protected]

Special Issue: Toxin Sensors
Guest Editor: Dr. Chris R. Taitt
Code 6900, Ctr. Bio/Molec. Sci. Engr., Naval Research Laboratory
4555 Overlook Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20375-5348
Tel. 202-404-4208 (DSN 754); Fax 202-404-8688
E-mail: [email protected]
Chair: 2008 Gordon Research Conference on Bioanalytical Sensors at Bryant University, Smithfield, RI, USA
June 29 - July 4, 2008, Bryant University, Smithfield, RI

Special Issue: 
Aerospace Sensor Systems
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Claude Nicollier
EPFL STI, c/o Space Center
ELD015 - Station 11
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel +41 21 693 6659, Fax +41 21 693 6940
[email protected], [email protected],

Special Issue:
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)

Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Daniele Riccio
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Add: Via Claudio, 21, I-80125, Napoli, Italy.
Tel. +39-0817683114, Fax +39-0815934448
E-mail: [email protected],

Special Issue: LiDAR for 3D City Modeling
Guest Editors: Dr. Jonathan Li 1 and Dr. Michael A. Chapman 2
1 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
Tel. + 1 519 888 4567, ext. 34504, Fax +1 519 746 0658
E-mail: [email protected],
2 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Science, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Ontario M5B 2K3, Canada
 Tel. 1 416 979 5000, ext. 6461, Fax  1 416 979 5122
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: GIS Crime Mapping
Guest Editor: Spencer Chainey
Director of GIS, UCL Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, University College London, Second Floor, Brook House,
2 - 16 Torrington, Place, London, WC1E 7HN, Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 0806, Mob: 07717 342 708, Fax: +44 (0)20 7679 0828
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue:
Molecular Recognition and Sensors, Including Molecular Imprinting

Guest Editor: Dr. Shu-Kun Lin
MDPI, Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Matthaeusstrasse 11, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland
Tel. +41 79 322 3379, Fax: +41 61 302 8918
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Special Issue:
Monitoring of Odorous Compounds in the Environment

Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Ki-Hyun Kim
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Sejong University, Goon Ja Dong 98, Gwang Jin Goo
Seoul, Korea 143-747
Tel. +82 2 3408 3233
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];

Special Issue:
 Integrated High-performance Imagers
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Edoardo Charbon
Quantum Architecture Group
Computer Architecture Laboratory, EPFL
Building IN-F 135
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
E-mail: [email protected];,
Special Issue: Space-Based Lidar Winds
Guest Editor: Dr. Wayman Baker
Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
5200 Auth Road - Room 805B
Camp Springs, MD 20746
Tel. +1 301 763 8000 ext. 7121
E-Mail: [email protected];;

Special Issue:
Ocean Remote Sensing
Guest Editor: Dr. James H. Churnside
Ocean Remote Sensing Working Group
Earth System Research Laboratory, Physical Science Division (PSD)
Formerly Environmental Technology Laboratory
325 Broadway R/ETL, Boulder, Colorado 80305-3328
E-Mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: Medical Images Processing
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr.Halina Kwaśnicka
Institute of Applied Informatics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27, 51-370 Wroclaw, Poland
Tel. +48 71 320 23 97 Fax 48 71 321 10 18
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue:  Remote Sensing of Land Surface Properties, Patterns and Processes
Guest Editor: Dr. Qihao Weng*; Dr. Dale A. Quattrochi and Dr. George Xian
Coordinator - *Associate Professor of Geography, Director Center for Urban and Environmental Change
Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology
Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809, USA
Tel. +001 812 237 2255, Fax +001 812 237 8029
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Special Issue: Photonic Sensors in Space
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Caterina Ciminelli
Optoelectronics Laboratory, Politecnico di Bari
Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica
Via Re David, 200 70125, Bari, Italy
Tel. + +39 08 0596 3404, Fax + 39 08 0596 3610
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue:  Phytosensors: Environmental Sensing with Plants and Plant Cells
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. C. Neal Stewart, Jr.
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA
Tel. +1 865 974 6487,  Fax 1 865 946 1989
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in Switzerland
Managing Editor: Mr. Matthias Burkhalter
Assistant Editor, MDPI Center - Sensors Office
Matthaeusstrasse 11, CH-4057 Basel / Switzerland
Tel +41 61 683 7734, Fax +41 61 302 8918
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: Active and Passive Sensors for Art Diagnostic, Analysis and Investigations
Guest Editor: Dr. Luca Pezzati and Prof. Dr. Brunetto Giovanni  Brunetti
Coordinator - Gruppo Beni Culturali
CNR - INOA, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata
Largo E. Fermi 6, 50125 Florence, ITALY
Tel. +39 055 2308221, Fax  +39 055 2337755
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue:  Energy Efficiency and Intelligent Signal Processing for Wireless Sensing
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Xue Wang
9003 Building, Tsinghua Garden, Dept. of Precision Instrument
Tsinghua University, Beijing ,China,100084
Tel. +8610 62776161; Fax +8610 62776161
E-mail:  [email protected];

Special Issue: Supramolecular Sensors
Guest Editor: [email protected]
School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
Cockcroft Building, University of Brighton
Lewes Road, Brighton BN2 4GJ, UK
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: Nanomaterials for Sensitive and Simple Determination of Analyzes
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Julia Xiaojun Zhao
Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue:  Piezoelectric Sensors for Determination of Analytes in Solutions
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. W. Kutner
Professor of Chemistry Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Sciences Kasprzaka 44/52 01-224 Warsaw, Poland Phone:
Tel. +48 22 343 32 17; Fax +48 22 343 33 33
E-mail:  [email protected];

Special Issue: Sensors for Urban Environmental Monitoring
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Jiang Dong
State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System
Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O.Box 9719, 11A Datun Road, Chao Yang District 100101, Beijing, China
Tel. +86 10 64889433
E-mail: [email protected]

Special Issue: Modeling, Testing and Reliability Issues in MEMS Engineering
Guest Editor: Dr. Stefano Mariani
Centre of Computational Structural and Materials Mechanics, Department of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Tel. + 39  02 2399 4279, Fax + 39 02 2399 4220
E-mail: [email protected]

Special Issue: Sensors for Disaster and Emergency Management Decision Making
Guest Editors: Dr. Jason Levy 1 and Dr. Yang Gao 2
1 Assistant Professor of Disaster Prevention and Emergency Planning
Department of Environmental Studies, Huxley College of the Environment
Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington 98225, USA
Tel. + 1 360 650 6487, Fax +1 360 650 7702
E-mail: [email protected],
2 Professor, Department of Geomatics Engineering
Schulich School of Engineering, The University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Tel. 1 403 220 6174, Fax  1 403 284 1980
E-mail: [email protected];;

Special Issue: Optical Biosensors
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Luigi Zeni
Professor of Electronics and Optoelectronics
Second University of Naples, Department of Information Engineering
Via Roma 29, 81031 Aversa - Italy
Tel. +39 0815010269, Fax +39 081 5037042
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];

Special Issue: State-of-the-Art Polymer Based pH Sensors
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Khalil Arshak and Dr. Olga Korostynska
Electronics and Computer Engineering Department
College of Informatics & Electronics, University of Limerick
Plassey Technological Park, Limerick, Ireland.
Tel. +353 61 202267, Fax +353 61 338176
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];

Special Issue: Photonic Sensors for Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Agent Detection
Guest Editor: Dr. Gary Pickrell 1 and Dr. Teng K. Ooi 2
1 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Materials Science and Engineering Department
Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Center for Photonics Technology, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA
Tel. +1 540 231 4677 Fax +1 540 231 2158
2 United States Missile Defense Agency and Office of Naval Research
Tel. +1 256 313 9228
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];

Special Issue: Utilizing of Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Guest Editor: Dr. Ren� Kizek
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry
Laboratory of Molecular Biochemistry and Bioelectrochemistry
Zemedelska 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Tel. +420 5 45133350; Fax +420-545212044
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: Remote Sensing Sensors
Guest Editor: Dr. Assefa M. Melesse
Ph. D., P.E., Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Studies, ECS 339
Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199
Tel. +1 305 348 6518, Fax +1 305 348 6137
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: Electrochemical Sensors Based on Conductive Polymers
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Yoon-Bo Shim
Department of Chemistry and Center for Innovative BioPhysio
Sensor Technology, Pusan National University
Busan 609-735, South Korea
Tel. +82 51 510 2244, Fax +82 51 514 2122
E-mail: [email protected]

Special Issue: Cantilever, Microcantilevers and Nanocantilever Sensors and Biosensors
Guest Editor: Dr. M. Calleja and Dr. J. Tamayo
Biosensor Group
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];

Special Issue: Probing in Micro World Using Electrochemical Microsensors, Progress and Challenge
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Xueji Zhang
World Precision Instruments, Inc. International Trade Center
175 Sarasota Center Boulevard, Sarasota, FL 34240-9258, USA
Tel: +1 941-3711003, ext.2265 (office). 239 (LabII),  270 (labIII), Fax: +1 941-3775428
E-mail: [email protected]

Special Issue: Physiological Sensing
Guest Editor: Dr. D. Marshall Porterfield
Purdue University, Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
225 South University Street, W. Lafayette, IN 47907-2093
Tel. +1 765 494 1190, Fax +1 765 496 1115
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: Intelligent Sensors
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Wilmar Hernandez
Department of Circuits and Systems
E.U.I.T. de Telecomunicacion
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Tel. +34 913367830, Fax +34 913367829

Special Issue: Amperometric Sensors and Techniques for Neurochemical Monitoring
Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. John P. Lowry1 and Prof. Dr. Robert O'Neill 2
1 Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry
National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, IRELAND
2 UCD School of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Tel. +353 1 716 2314, Fax +353 1 716 2127
E-mail: [email protected];
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: Bioanalysis in Vivo/ in Vitro
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Yoshio Umezawa
Department of Chemistry, University of Tokyo, School of Science
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Tel. +81 3 3812 2111, ext. 4351, Fax +81 3 5802 2989
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: Wireless Pressure Sensors
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Chelakara S. Subramanian
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Florida Institute of Technology
150 West University Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901
Tel: (321) 674 7614, Fax: (321) 674 8813
E-mail: [email protected];

Special Issue: Biosensors for Point-of-Care Applications
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. I-Ming Hsing
Department of Chemical Engineering and Director of Bioengineering program Room 2004 A
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Tel: + (852) 23587131, Fax: + (852) 31064857
E-mail: [email protected];

last update: 16 July 2008 - 11h45 - Mr. Matthias Burkhalter - Assistant Editor - Sensors Journal

Special issues published in 2007

Special Issue: Supramolecular Sensors
Guest Editor:  [email protected]

Special Issue:
Bioanalysis in Vivo/ in Vitro

Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Yoshio Umezawa

Special Issue: Cantilever, Microcantilevers and Nanocantilever Sensors and Biosensors
Guest Editors: Dr. M. Calleja and Dr. J.. Tamayo

Special Issue: Electrochemical Sensors Based on Conductive Polymers
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Yoon-Bo Shim

Special Issue: Optical Biosensors
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Luigi Zeni

Special Issue: Photonic Sensors for Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Agent Detection
Guest Editor: Dr. Gary Pickrell and Dr. Teng K. Ooi

Special Issue: Physiological Sensing
Guest Editor:  Dr. D. Marshall Porterfield

Special Issue: Intelligent Sensors
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Wilmar Hernandez

Special Issue: Modeling, Testing and Reliability Issues in MEMS Engineering
Guest Editor: Dr. Stefano Mariani

Special Issue: State-of-the-Art Polymer Based pH Sensors
Guest Editor: Prof. Khalil Arshak and Dr. Olga Korostynska

Special Issue: Energy Efficiency and Intelligent Signal Processing for Wireless Sensing
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Xue Wang

Special Issue: Utilization of Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Guest Editor: Dr. Rene Kizek

Special Issue: Photonic Sensors in Space
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Caterina Ciminelli

Special Issue: 
Ocean Remote Sensing
Guest Editor: Dr. James H. Churnside

Special Issue: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Daniele Riccio

Special Issue:
Remote Sensing of Natural Resources and the Environment (Remote Sensing Sensors)
Guest Editor: Dr. Assefa M. Melesse

Special Issue:  Sensors for Urban Environmental Monitoring
Guest Editor: Dr. Jiang Dong

Special Issue: Sensors for Disaster and Emergency Management Decision Making
Guest Editors: Dr. Jason Levy and Dr. Yang Gao

Special Issue: Remote Sensing of Land Surface Properties, Patterns and Processes
Guest Editors: Dr. Qihao Weng; Dr. Dale A. Quattrochi and Dr. George Xian

Special issues published in 2006

Special Issue: Gas Sensors (gas detection, gas analysis)
Guest Editor:  Dr. Wenfeng Peng

Special Issue: Sensors in Flow Analysis
Guest Editor:  Dr. Spas D. Kolev

Special Issue: Satellite Altimetry: New Sensors and New Applications
Guest Editors:  Prof. Dr. Ge Chen and Dr. Graham D. Quartly

Special Issue of Photonic Sensors for Chemical, Biological, and Physical Parameter Detection
Guest Editor: Gary Pickrell

Special issues published in 2005

Special Issue: Carbon Paste Electrodes
Sensors 2005, 5, 317-342, 473-487
Guest Editor: Dr. Jiri Barek

Special Issue: Sensors for Environmental Monitoring
Sensors, 2005, 5, 1-117
Guest Editor: Dr. Clifford K. Ho

Special Issue: DNA Based Sensors
Sensors 2005, 5, 343-464
Guest Editor: Dr. Jan Labuda

Special Issue: I3S2003 Papers
Sensors 2005, 5, 139-158

Papers presented at I3S2003, Paris.
Guest Editor:  Francis Muguet

Special Issue: I3S2004 Papers
Sensors 2005, 5, 159-301

Papers presented at I3S2004, Nanjing.
Guest Editors: Hongyuan Chen and Huangxian Ju

Updated: 16 July 2008, by Matthias Burkhalter, e-mail: [email protected]